domingo, 3 de enero de 2021

Final task


I liked the storyjumper activity from Crazy for English’s blog. It is a very interesing activity to carry out in Halloween. It is a different and motivating way of working on reading skill.

I would work on the same way, although I would have recorded the story with their voices.

In the third cycle, instead of a big group, different groups of 3-4 students. Each one has to create their own story with different images.  

sábado, 2 de enero de 2021



Hi everyone!

Do you know Genially app? It is an interactive app in which you can create animated and interactive presentations.

Here you are the link:

Among the main advantages are the following:

-          -Interactive content.

-          -Increase motivation in our students.

-          -Increase attention in our class.

-          -It is visual.

-         - It is easy to use.

-          -It has templates on which you can work.

-          -Encourage creativity.


By other hand, as disadvantages we have:

-         -With the Free plan we cannot download the content we design.

-          -It takes hours of dedication to create a good product.

Now, I will tell you some examples for using Genially in class with our students.

I consider that work in group is the best way to create a good design. They interact with each other and work collaboratively. So, groups of three students are perfect.

With the use of this app, there are general objectives:

-          Increase motivation.

-          Encourage collaborative work.

-          Develop digital, linguistic, learn to learn and social and civic competence.

-          Work creativity.

Taking into account that we are in Christmas, a good example would be an interactive presentation about traditions and typical food in British Christmas.

First of all, they have to search information and then, create the Genially.

Another good example could be design and invent a game, for example, “Pasapalabra”, about the vocabulary that we have learned and worked. It can be a lot of fun for them because it is something real.

Finally, you as teacher can use this tool for presenting vocabulary or grammar. This is an example with my 5th grade students when we were confined.

viernes, 1 de enero de 2021




Do you consider that working on speaking skill is boring for students? Pixton is an easy and intuitive tool for creating comics. It encourages creativity and motivation in our students. It is an ideal tool for working creativity, digital competence, collaborative work and writing skill.

Bearing in mind I wrote above, my main goals would be the following:

-          Encourage creativity.

-          Develop digital, linguistic and social and civic competences.

-          Promote collaborative work.

-          Work writing skill in foreign language.

Now, I will tell you how I would use it in my class.  Taking into account my groups of students, I will do groups of three of the third cycle of Primary Education.


1.       Let’s invent a short and brief story in comic form (four or five bullets).

2.       The story is about Christmas. First of all, think that you are the protagonists.

3.       Later, invent the script.

4.       Once we have the story created, we start using the tool.

5.       Each group with their laptop begins by creating their avatar.

6.       Then, they have to choose wallpapers, characters and ¡start!

 In the last session, each group presents the comics on the Smart board.  

To the end of the session, each group uses an anonymous rubric to evaluate the work of the rest, about creativity, presentation, story… Subsequently, the results are discussed orally.



Final task

  I liked the storyjumper activity from Crazy for English’s blog. It is a very interesing activity to carry out in Halloween. It is a dif...